Get Involved

Stand in For Nebraska needs your support to thrive in advocacy, and there are so many ways you can help.


Stand in For Nebraska needs your support to thrive in advocacy, and there so many ways you can help.


You can help Stand In For Nebraska reach more Nebraskans in need.


Join us by making a gift today to ensure continued advocacy for Nebraskans.


When volunteering with Stand In For Nebraska, you join a community of warriors working alongside multi-marginalized communities.

Stand in for Nebraska gave me people. I didn’t even know I needed people. It has also let me give my strengths to the fight for human rights. I’m daily in awe of the creativity and power of this group.

Nicole Church

Nourish the Plains focuses on quality food security for all.

Nearly 1 in 4 households are experiencing food insecurity.  

In a nation with so much food abundance–even waste–more deliberate and creative approaches are needed to eliminate hunger.  We embrace the challenge!

Empowering society through democratic education.

Empowering education is essential toward disrupting the status quo of educational approaches that fail to effectively serve multi-marginalized communities and dismantle white supremacy.

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