Societal Transformation comes from within.

Study Groups
Stand in for Nebraska offers mini-courses in timely high-interest topics aligned with our mission of advocating for human rights and justice alongside multi-marginalized Nebraskans.
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Because we know societal transformation first comes from within, Stand in for Nebraska offers mini-courses in timely high-interest topics aligned with our mission of advocating for human rights and justice alongside multi-marginalized Nebraskans.

From February through May of 2021, SIFN will offer a White Identity and Cultural Studies mini-course.

It’s so encouraging to know twenty-five participants are embarking on this path together toward enhanced personal, cultural, historical, and systemic understanding.

Elements of White Antiracist Identity

The Community Organizer’s Role

Approaching this study group, the community organizer’s positionality is not that of expert, but rather, as a facilitating guide. Study group community organizers are fellow traveler with relevant experience, a decent reading background in the area, and lifelong desire for growth.

Together, as the work guides us into deeper research explorations, we look forward to the community’s help in building curating supplemental readings for the SIFN website library.

Toward Building the ‘Beloved Community’

Stand in for Nebraska’s mission is to advocate for human rights and justice alongside multi-marginalized communities. In alliance with the Nebraska Poor People’s Campaign, we unite toward realizing America’s unfinished promise; ML King Jr’s vision of the ‘Beloved Community.’ So, everything SIFN does aims toward that end.

Together, as the work guides us into deeper research explorations, we look forward to the community’s help in building curating supplemental readings for the SIFN website library.

Ready to get involved?

To fully accommodate all schedules and allow for richly interactive sessions, the book club meets in three sessions:

  • Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00 am (Start date: February 3rd)
  • Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 pm (Start date: February 4th)
  • Sundays from 3:00-4:30 pm (Start date: February 7th)

Stand in for Nebraska meets via Zoom. To join, simply enter “5001378169″  in the Meeting ID field.